Help Document

Input Variables
Input Variables will be displayed on run webpage for end user. There are three kinds of input variables, Normal, Boolean and Multi-Choice, you can click one of buttons on the top tool bar to add input variables and click Delete button to delete one or multiple variable.

Normal Variable: Normal variable is declared as dynamic type. It can be as int, double,string, int[], double[] or string[] by your input.
Variable Name: The variable name can contain letters, digits and the first character of the name must be a letter. The variable name is case-sensitive.
Default Value: Set a value for a variable, the value will be displayed at run webpage as default value. The default value can be any type according to your input, for example, if you input 5, the variable should be int type; if you input 5.5, the variable should be double. You can see the following details form.
Input Value Convert To Type
5 int
5.5 double
"5" string
aa string
"aa" string
5,6,7 int[]
"5","6","7" string[]
a,b,c string[]
"a","b","c" string[]
5.0,6.0,7.0 double[]
The default value can have constants embedded in them. These are predefined strings enclosed in brace characters { }, the system translates the constants to their literal values.
{Today} : It means the date of today.
{MonthBefore} : It means the date of a month before.
{Time} : It means the current time.

Description: input the details about the variable and tell end user how to input value
Use Multi Lines: If you select the option, the text box should display multiple rows, or it will display only single row.

Boolean Variable: Boolean variable is treated as bool type
Variable Name: The variable name can contain letters, digits and the first character of the name must be a letter. The variable name is case-sensitive.
Default Values: Select Yes or No as default value from drop down list box.
Description: Input the details about the variable and tell end user how to input value.

Multi-Choice: Multi-Choice is treated as string type
Variable Name: The variable name can contain letters, digits and the first character of the name must be a letter. The variable name is case-sensitive.
Available Values: Multi-Choice is displayed as Drop-Down List box which allows the user to choose one value from a list to end user, so you need fill in multi values in the text box and each value per row.
Deafult Values: Select a default value for the Drop-Down list box, the value should be one of values you input in Available Values.
Description: Input the details about the variable and tell end user how to input value.